This was the apartment in Hollywood, Florida that my DH and I lived in for the summer after we were first married. It was on the 12th floor and this is what closed the deal for us. The moment we saw the view out of the living room just did it for us. Now, we were both born and raised in Los Angeles so we were familiar with the whole beach scene. But in Florida it was different. The water was warm, not cold, or more accurately freezing! There was hardly any surf to mention. And you could actually walk in the ocean, the sandy floor beneath you didn't suddenly drop into nowhere like it does in California. Sometimes I miss that - especially now that it just doesn't seem like it ever wants to stop raining here in Northern California.
Also, that time period was sort of like an extended honeymoon for us. My DH is pretty damn great ... he agreed that we could move from California to Miami, Florida so that I could take this interesting swimwear design job. The day we got back from the actual honeymoon we moved to Miami. At first we had a horrible apartment inland, but it was corporate housing so the cost was nothing. But once that was ending we had to have something cool. We always thought it was funny that a couple of people from LA ended up in a place called Hollywood, Florida! Turns out that there a quite a few Hollywoods in the US. On a lark we drove through two others in the Southern states.
So, now that it seems like we're never going to have any dry days ahead of us, I think back to that summer on the beach. Maybe we'll have to have a few days of vacation there next winter.
This was the beach on a "crowded" day. Not bad at all. Of course I'm extremely fair-skinned so I had to have sunblock with the highest form of SPF just to be able to spend an hour or so walking on the beach without turning into the dreaded lobster-girl. Strange how I ended up being a swimwear designer, huh?