Wow, can you believe that this is my 100th post? I've noticed quite a few people also have made their centennial post within the last couple of weeks. Blogging is such an interesting medium. So far I've tried using it to kick myself into creative gear -- I'm not sure if you've noticed, but uhm, I seem to have a bit of trouble with procrastination. Notice the above evidence, the sock-monkey quilt. This was supposed to be a new-baby gift for Tina's little boy, BEFORE, the birth. Of course that was in September and let's see, now it's January of a whole new year! Somehow I don't think that I'll be able to kick this procrastination habit anytime soon. I know, I'll just jot it down on the to-do list. In the meantime I've been making progress. Here's the quilt's center all pieced. It just needs two borders and to be quilted. The yellow fabric will do double duty as the small inner border as well as the binding. The brown fabric will be the wider outer border and that fabulous red fabric will be the backing. Hmm, did you notice how all three fabrics are polka dots? I must be having a Minnie moment today.
Now on to the fun stuff ... since so many people seem to have a drawing in honor of their 100th post, I'll follow that trend. I've been organizing my crafting area and have found, much to my dismay, duplicates! The winner of the drawing will receive this book and other sewing goodies. I'll post the winner next Sunday, January 14th. Now it's time to get those borders cut out.