I've been tagged by Linda of Window to My Life to write 7 random facts/habits about myself on my blog. Then I'm to tag 7 other people, list their names and leave them a comment/email to check out the directions here.
1) I never really considered myself an artist until a few years ago. This even though I've been drawing and crafting since I was a little child ... and went to art school ... and have been a swimwear designer for more than a decade.
2) I have a bit of a black thumb. I'm trying to get better about not killing my plants. But somehow I don't think I'll ever get that green thumb. But I'll settle for chartreuse.
3) I lived on the Lido in Venice, Italy my junior year of college.
4) I used to speak Italian fairly well. Now I'm a bit rusty.
5) I studied Japanese for two quarters in college. Now I can only remember this: 'Watashi wa Tami desu. Watashi wa nihongo no wakarimasen.' Which roughly means: 'I'm Tami. I don't understand Japanese.'
6) I learned how to read when I was 3 (thanks mom!) and love books.
7) I love to travel and to drive. Luckily I married a great guy who also loves to do this.
Okay ... Tag, you're it!
Now it's off to work on my projects: another Lemondrop illustration (I'm really liking this character and will make her a more regular offering), twenty simple dolls for a charity request by doll artist Rivkah in Israel, and maybe a miniature quilt for whipup.