We were quite lucky with the weather for most of our trip. Not too much rain and a few extremely beautiful days. Apparently since we've left it's been raining cats and dogs. If I recall this is the view from a valley near Ullapool but I don't know for sure. Isn't it simply stunning?
Now these next photos you'll have to click on to see better - they're a collection of animals seen along the way. Highland cow, dairy cows herded by a minivan, white sheep, black sheep, and bunnies, LOTS of bunnies. I swear that we must have found a scene from Watership Down there were so many bunnies and rabbit holes. We also had to stop our car for this hungry little lamb. I can just imagine the mama asking if it couldn't wait just one minute. The black lamb also had been nursing when we drove past. But do you know how hard it is to snap a good picture of two black sheep?
This little lamb was so cute that we stopped the car to take a picture but it wouldn't look at me. Finally I resorted to baa-aaa-ing from the car so that it'd look at me. Yeah, it looked all right, but so did the mama. I'm pretty sure that she was gonna ram the car if we stayed any longer.