Wow, I've been amazed by all the different habits and goals for 2008 that everyone has been sharing. It's certainly been motivational to keep going with mine. So far I'm been fairly on target. I've posted two illustrations and am still working on a painted one for the shop. Today I'm cleaning my studio and I did walk outside for 30 minutes on Wednesday. No excuses, but it's been raining yesterday and today's a really bad storm so I think that's all that I'll do for this week. Not perfect but not bad I'd say. (The trick is not to beat yourself up but to keep going on and get better all the time.)
Since it's raining really hard (the wind has been knocking down lots of branches) I'm not going outside unless I have to. So no post office run tomorrow. That means that the contest for the box of goodies has been extended until Monday midnight at PST. Post a comment with your new habit goals for 2008 (or tell us if you have them posted on your site) and your name will go in the drawing. Now if you'll excuse me I have to get back to work. :-)
Remember - CREATE in '08!!