Our usual class space at the American Legion Hall where we also have our monthly doll club meetings. My spot is on the left side at the end. Do you see my little featherweight? This was the first time that I took it to a doll workshop and it worked so well. I'm very happy with it.
Two ladies worked quickly and were able to complete their trolls by the end of the second day. The one on the left is by Rosa ... too sweet. And the one leaning against the piece of driftwood was made by Daisy - who found out about the class the night before! The costume is made from dryer lint and other fibers!
A close up of my troll body parts just waiting to be pinned in place. I was having a bit of trouble with the glue on the eyelids, thus the faint resemblance to Pinhead. Look closely at the little face and that nose. It's all needle-sculpted using a strong fishing line as the thread which is fairly invisible on this doe suede fabric.
One of Ute Vasina's demonstrator trolls. His arms are pinned into place. Isn't it amazing how expressive it already looks with just a head tilt and jaunty arm/hand movement? That's one of the things that I liked best about the Mini Whisper class. That plus making the cute face. So if you ever have an opportunity to take a troll class from Ute, please do. You'll learn a lot and have fun at the same time.