Loobylu has a Friday Archives started so I thought that this would be a perfect time to show you this photograph that I found the other day. It's my very first cloth doll that I made in either 1987 or 1988. Oh my, in my memory it turned out much, much better than this. I wanted to make it for my sister, Nikki, because I really liked her prom dress. The pattern came from a fairy/ballerina doll but sadly I don't remember what company published it. Although I found a nice shade of brown for the skin I didn't do a great job of painting her face. Now I can see that it was too cartoony and not blended very well. The hair has nothing to do with my sister's hairstyle, but was loosely based on those ringlets that all the Southern belles wore. My favorite part of this doll was the dress. I used a luscious dark green velvet for the bodice and a black and medium green satin for the skirt. No pattern for that, just a bit of draping and lots of patience sewing approximately two feet of fabric into four inches or less of waist! I've come a long way in my doll-making skills since then. Regardless, I do remember being very happy with how it turned out and was excited to give it to my little sister.