I'm so excited! I have a piece of my artwork published in a great looking book! Around Thanksgiving of last year I heard about a blogger who was looking for artwork to illustrate her essays. I can't remember how I found out about this but for some reason when I saw it, I thought that it was something that I could do. We had only ten days to get it made and sent to her. She and her publisher would go through the artwork and select one for each essay. When they saw the artwork her publisher decided to use ALL of the art!
The book is called Life is a Verb by Patti Digh. It's a gorgeous book with bright colors, slick pages, and wide margins to make notes. Patti's step-father was diagnosed with cancer and died only 37 days later. This had such a profound effect on her life. What if you only had 37 days to live? What would you do? How would you live your life to the fullest so that you wouldn't die with regrets? Thus she began writing essays to leave for her two daughters. The book is a compilation of these essays and includes two different types of exercises to do at the end of each one. One is a short-term, quick exercise while the other one is designed to be done for 37 days. It's not meant to be read in one day. Rather than trying that, I've been enjoying it by just randomly opening the book and reading one essay. I highly recommend it! And of course, if you buy it, turn to page 95 and check out my digital collage artwork.
Here is mine:
Here's the lovely inscription from the author, Patti Digh:
And here's the book cover (no I didn't do that artwork):