Today I turned 42 .. wow that's pretty unbelievable but there you go. You're only the age you feel but I have to say that at times I'm feeling it. For example my eyes are just not the same .. I never used to have problems seeing fine detail work but now I'm having troubles. I'm guessing that it's probably time for a trip to the optometrist to see if I need bifocals. On the flip side there are times when I feel as silly as a young girl so it all balances out.
To celebrate today my husband sent me this fabulous birthday flower cake! It's so cute, whimsical and very much me. I love it but that's not a surprise because my husband knows me pretty well. I love you babe!
Then I treated myself to a trip to a cool quilt/bead shop courtesy of my in-laws. Very fun indeed! My mom knew that I needed a new pair of fabric scissors and gave me money for that. Fortunately JoAnn's had a 40% coupon, but sadly they were out of all Ginghers. A trip to the LQS and I found exactly the perfect pair - plus the saleslady was sweet and honored the JoAnn's coupon! Isn't that grand?!
My dining table also has some gorgeous red roses that my dad sent. On top of all that I've had the most wonderful birthday wishes emails from friends and from facebook friends and telephone calls from family. What a nice feeling!
Finally I decided that it was high time to change the look of the blog. After all it's been a little over four years since I started it and this design has been in place for close to three years. For everyone reading on Google Reader and other feeds you'll have to click over and let me know what you think. I still like my lemonhead girls so I've made a button for the bottom right sidebar. Wave hi to them!