I've finally finished my string blocks that I'll be using for a book cover. Somehow I managed to get nine instead of eight. Plus the first two I made were a bit off so I had to trim them from just under 6 1/2" square to 6" square (that being the next size square ruler that I own). Hopefully that'll be enough but I may have to add a border. It's amazing how so many odd scraps can look nice when pieced together in a somewhat random way. The red center strings don't stand out - not enough contrast but that's okay. I should be able to have at least one finish for Stephanie's No Strings Attached Challenge.
Now for a puppy update. Our breeder from out of state sent me an email the other week telling me about two breeders that will have puppies much sooner than she. We spoke with them and really liked one of them - and he had a total of three males to find homes for. Now it's just a waiting game until the puppy gets to be at least ten weeks old. Here's a picture of him and his brothers when they're only six DAYS old. Aren't they adorable?
We'll call him Fearghus the Valiant. We're so very excited and can't wait to meet him.