Wow! I can't believe it but my fabric design for Project Selvage (the fabric contest hosted by Michael Miller and Spoonflower) has made it to the first cut of 75 designs out of a total of 968 entries!!!
Please, please vote for my design so that I can make it to round two where I'll be able to show a collection of six baby boy fabric designs.
Here's my design, Animal Balloon Trip by Tami Levin:
And here's the link to the contest: Spoonflower Project Selvage contest
You don't have to sign up, just click on my design (as seen above) and then go to the last page of entries, fill out the captcha and then hit the button. That's it folks! With your help I can get to the next round and show more designs. Thank you!!
Okay, now I'm going to get a cup of tea to calm my nerves, I'm soooooo excited I can't tell you.