Our trip to Bend, OR to visit the puppies was a lot of fun. So much fun was had that I forgot to snap pictures of everything. I did manage to snap one of the puppy that was our favorite. Here she is with Steve.
All the puppies were adorable and wanted attention, but this little girl was attracted to Steve. Every time he moved to the other side of the ex-pen she hopped to his side and wanted to be picked up. She liked to be held. The other puppies didn't want to be held very long at all. We'll know for sure later this week whether she's ours, but the breeder is pretty sure that she will be our new Fiona. She's the one with the green collar. We won't be able to get her until August since she only turned 7 weeks old on Monday.
The rest of the weekend went well. We saw some of the cairns competing in the show ring and a few were competing at the lure course. That's where a dog is released to chase a set of three white plastic bags tied to a motorized lead. That was very entertaining to watch. There was one border collie who only wanted to chase the bags for a bit and then started to run around in circles. It was his first time and he lost interest in it.
We met lots of nice people who belong to the Columbia River Valley cairn terrier club. Plus we met the earlier puppy who we couldn't have, Brook. She is a beauty and definitely looks like she'll be a showdog in another few months. Fearghus played with her and a dozen other cairns in someone's backyard on Friday night. It was funny but Fearghus would growl at Brook if I petted her. He had no problems with the other dogs being petted but had a problem with her. Of course Brook had the same problem if I bent down to pet Fearghus. Too funny. Hopefully he doesn't do this with Fiona when she comes home. Fearghus' uncle was also there and we met the people who whelped Fearghus' mother. They even had a puppy scrapbook of her - Fearghus looked just like her when he was a puppy down to the same belly stripe. I guess that definitely means that by the time Fearghus is 6 years old he'll be a dark steel grey color like his mother.
On the way back home we decided to drive through Crater Lake. The last time we were there was almost exactly 11 years ago. This time was a bit different. There was snow! Yes, snow in July and lots of it! We had to stop at the side of the road so that Fearghus could play in it. He first got to see some a few weeks earlier on our trip through Yellowstone Park (oops, I still need to post pictures from there).
As you can see in the video Fearghus is having a blast. After the snow break we drove a bit higher up until we came to a vista for Crater Lake itself. It's gorgeous!
I love how blue the water looks with the reflection of the sky.
There were quite a few people who ignored the little stone wall to step on the ground and the snow to get closer for pictures. I can't believe they did that since most of that snow wasn't directly on the ground but was many feet of snow. It's prime avalanche season so they were taking a big risk. Here's a picture of the many chipmunks waiting to be fed and in the background you can see some of the deep snow.
As if that scenery wasn't spectacular enough, further down the road we saw the beautiful Mt. Shasta covered in snow.
We got back home last night, just in time to relax today for the 4th of July. I hope you enjoyed yours as well.