I'm on the hunt for furniture for my new studio space. So far I have my eye on a few sewing cabinets on craigslist. If they get down to a reasonable price I may call on them. If not then I have another idea and will shop for a sturdy wood desk from the thrift store. Take a look at my pinterest board for ways to turn a desk into a drop down sewing machine table. Isn't that a great inexpensive way to house your sewing machine.
In the meantime this is what my studio looks like:
At first I had my sewing machine set on the floor but that was a bit difficult to sew. I took it to the dining room table and set it there. It's a bit better than the floor but it's one of those pub height tables so it's a bit of a stretch to sew. Steve recommended that one because when we want to switch to a bigger table later I can use this one as a cutting table. Smart man!
Hopefully in a few weeks I'll be able to start organizing the new studio. I'd rather wait and buy the type of shelves and furniture that I'd really like from thrift stores and craigslist than to rush it and just buy any old thing. The most important thing is a sewing table and chair. The good thing is that this room is quite a bit bigger than the studio in Sunnyvale. Whoo-hoo!