It seems like I've been running around like that chicken with its head cut off ... lots of movement but not much to show for it. I have been getting more quilts in to my longarm quilting business, The Quilted Lemon, so that's been wonderful! But I can't seem to get my act together for my personal projects. There are quilts in the works that I'd love to get finished. I think that rather than run here and there doing a bit on that project and then rushing off to a bit on another one, that I just need to bite the bullet and finish up one at a time. In the meantime I need to get a commissioned project finished first. That's my immediate goal. But there's always time to put another client quilt on the frame since that takes priority. Maybe a better to-do list is in order. How do you manage your time? Any ideas? I'm definitely going to let my reading fall to the side since it's getting in the way. And it's more than time to get that studio a bit cleaned up from all the craziness.
Look for quilt pictures from the last PIQF show .. I'll post them on Monday. It was definitely inspirational!