I have a messy work table right now. It's filled with scraps of fabric from two projects (one finished, the other in progress), boxes of beads from the finished project that have yet to be put away, and of course all the odds and ins from one of the works in progress. This one is killing me with the guilt because I haven't finished it yet. They're two dolls for my friend's daughters. They were SUPPOSED to be gifts for the holidays but I just didn't get to them in time. Now they're HIGH on my priority list. I want to finish them so that I can see the joy on the girls' faces. I'm giving myself until Tuesday to get them done.
This one is partially assembled. She still needs hands, feet and a face. Her clothing is partially sewn in front of her. And see the skeins of yarn? One of those will become her hair. Her sister has a body but no arms or legs yet, the poor dear.
The goal is to get her clothing sewn today. Then tonight I can knit her hair.
Now the other mess is on the dining room table. It's from the Anne Klocko class that I took with my doll club. She's made from polymer clay and still needs to be baked. But first I have to sculpt her hands, another arm and give her hair, hat and perhaps a collar. Then she can be assembled and baked. I had a lot of fun with her. I really can't believe that this was Anne's first time teaching a class. She was marvelous and a pro at it.
My in progress clay doll:

Just two examples of Anne Klocko's dolls:

I can't wait to see how mine turns out. Maybe she'll need some type of shadow box to display her too. Okay, I have my mission for the next few days. What do you have planned for the weekend?